Your Dogs Number One Holiday Choice
We are Mutlins
Norfolk's most experienced home boarding
Terms And Conditions
Mutlins Terms And Conditions
Terms and conditions
By paying a deposit or full amount for a boarding stay you agree to the following terms and conditions.
- Also by completing and signing the boarding form you agree to the following:
- We encourage all owners to visit Mutlins with their dog prior to booking.
If you choose not to visit and you change your mind you will not be refunded. - We encourage all owners to book a trial overnight stay prior to any booking.
If the owner decides not to book a trial stay we reserve the right to terminate your dogs stay if the dogs behaviour is not suitable for home boarding with no refund. - We are not able to accept bookings for a dog subject to the terms of the Dangerous Dogs Act 1991 or any other dogs with aggression problems towards other dogs, cats or people.
- If you cancel your booking with mutlins for any reason you agree that you will not be refunded.
- If your dog/dog's become ill during their stay at Mutlins you agree that Mutlins will not be
held responsible.
Staff at mutlins will contact the owner or Emergency Contact provided for them to arrange collection and to take the dog or dog's to their vet.
If this is not possible and the dog or dog's require emergency vetinary attention the owner agrees to call their vet and arrange an appointment and make full payment of any costs incurred.
You agree that Mutlins will charge you the owner any costs incurred as an extra charge over and above the boarding costs already paid.
Mutlins will only contact the owner or Emergency contact if we are concerned or it effects the health and welfare of their dog or dog's.
If your dog or dog's become ill which is out of our control and your dog or dog's have to be collected from Mutlins you agree that no refund will be received. - The owner is aware that cats and other animals reside at Mutlins.
- If your dog reacts badly to cats and other animals then you must tell us prior to any visit as we unfortunately won't be able to accomodate your dog.
- You will present the dog for boarding in a clean and groomed condition and with proof of up to date vaccinations, Kennel Cough, worming and flea treatment.
- Please ensure all your dogs bedding is cleaned directly prior to the arrival date.
- Please confirm the date of the last Worming and Flea treatment.
- You will need to supply the necessary dog food and treats for the duration of the stay including lead, toys and bedding.
If additional food or treats are required you agree upon presentation of a receipt to refund Mutlins prior to or on the day of collection. - In the unlikely event that your dog becomes injured you give us full permission to treat the dog accordingly.
The owner takes full responsibility for any treatment costs and will pay any outstanding amount prior to collection. - In the case of a medical emergency/injury if you or your emergency contact is unavailable, you agree for the staff at Mutlins to make any decisions regarding your dog's health providing it is acting in the best interest of your dog and full cost of any treatment will be made by you either before or on the day of collection.
- You undertake to make full disclosure of any health issues, quality or characteristic which
might make your dog not suitable for boarding.
For example, including, but not limited to any behavioural or health problems, anti social behaviour including aggression, incontinence, lack of house training or excessive loud barking/whining, fear of men, women or children fear of hats, parts of their body that cannot be touched, food aggression, cats, birds, wildlife or any other triggering factors or that the health issues disclosed are actually worse than described. - Failure on your part to disclose any matter which might render the dog aggressive or unsuitable
for home boarding will be deemed a material omission amounting to a fundamental breach of this agreement.
The owner agrees that they will be liable for any additional costs due to failure to disclose in the booking form any trait or matter that would be accepted as unsuitable for home or kennel boarding. - All deposits are due at the time of booking. Your booking can only be confirmed when both the deposit and the signed booking form have been received. Mutlins is not able to reserve your bookings pending the payment of
your deposit.
Your deposit is non refundable and non transferable. - If Mutlins is unable to fulfil a booking, we will use all reasonable endeavors to arrange an introduction to another suitable boarding service. If we are not able to recommend an alternative boarding service, we will refund your booking deposit.
- The owner agrees that he/she is responsible for reimbursing any costs incurred to Mutlins if any damage whatsoever is caused by your dog/dog's to Mutlins home or garden, kennels or possessions.
- A mutually convenient time for drop off and collection of the dog/dog's must be agreed between the owner and Mutlins. This can be subject to change.
- The owner or Emergency Contact must be aware of their role, duties and responsibilities and be available for the duration of the booking in case of emergency or
The owner or Emergency Contact is responsible for payment of any costs incurred, veterinary fees incurred and the owner is responsible for reimbursing any costs incurred by Mutlins if any damage, other than reasonable wear and tear, is caused to the home or possessions by the dog/dog's. - Mutlins will make every effort to provide high standards of care at all times but cannot be held liable for loss, injury or death of your dog/s during the period of their stay or at anytime visiting Mutlins property.
- CANCELLATION CHARGES apply if you change or cancel your booking dates. Deposits will not be transferred or refunded.
- You will provide a contact name and number on the form of someone who could make decisions if an emergency situation should arise.
Failure to do so puts your dog/dog's health and welfare at risk and you agree that you give staff at Mutlins full permission to exercise any decisions they see fit.
You agree that any costs incurred will be paid in full prior to collection. - If you have disclosed to Mutlins that your dog is non-aggressive, but it shows aggressive tendencies towards the Mutlins staff or their family, visitors, another dog either a boarding dog or visiting dog,
or should it's behaviour become uncontrollable or a nuisance beyond reasonable acceptance, you agree that he/ she will be collected by your emergency contact or another
person arranged by you and cancellation charges will apply.
If Mutlins is unable to contact the emergency contact you provided or yourself, your dog will be placed in a Dog Boarding Kennel until your return and this will be subject to a £100 transfer charge and you agree to pay the full costs incurred and the cost of the Dog Boarding Kennel prior to collection. - You agree that if you do not turn up on the agreed date to board your dog you will be liable for the full payment.
- If your dog becomes destructive and damages property you will be liable to replace/compensate for the damage caused.
If you are informed by the staff at Mutlins that your dog has caused any damage photographic proof will be sent by email, text or WhatsApp and you agree that full payment will be made prior to the collection of your dog. - If your dog/dogs bite a member of staff the owner takes full responsibility of the consequences.
Your dog's stay at Mutlins will be terminated immediately with no refund. - We do not accept uncastrated dogs and if you haven't disclosed this either by phone or booking form your booking will be cancelled with no refund.
With the exception of uncastrated dogs under 6 months of age please call us to discuss. - If your dog is uncastrated and you haven't disclosed this to us Mutlins will not take any responsibility or liability for any incidents that can relate to an uncastrasted male dog. For example fighting, injury or pregnancy.
- We cannot accept a bitch in season when there are dogs from other households.
- Mutlins is a home boarding establishment. Your dog or dog's have access to run free around a large garden area.
The garden area is securily fenced and complies to the licensing regulations.
Mutlins fencing is thoroughly checked. Mutlins will not take any responsibility if your dog or dog's dig under or climb the fencing to escape.
You are giving us permission to exercise your dog in our large garden off the lead unless you inform us otherwise.
If you know of any reason why your dog should not be exercised off the lead with other dogs please disclose this in the box stating other information. - During the period of boarding we will exercise every possible care and attention to the welfare and safety of your dog/ dog's.
However we accept no responsibility for problems outside our control and pets are boarded entirely at the clients risk. - There are staff on site 24 hours a day 7 days a week to supervise and care for your dog or dog's at Mutlins. You the owner agrees that you understand this does not mean that we will be supervising your dog/dog's the entire time. Mutlins is a home boarding and breeding establishment and we have other dogs on site that also need our care and attention. If your dog requires constant care because of health, anxiety, behavioural or your expectation is 24 hour constant care the daily rate start from £150.
- We expect you to have high expectations from us at Mutlins and in the care your pet receives. Equally, our staff expect to be treated with respect.
We value our employees and would respectfully request that they are treated as you would expect to be treated yourself.
Any unacceptable behaviour towards staff, including bullying, harassment and victimisation) which may involve actions, words, texts, emails or physical gestures that could reasonably be perceived to be the cause of another person's distress or discomfort will be treated very seriously.
This will result in the termination of your contract with us and further action if needed. - Potential boarding dogs visiting Mutlins will be under the sole care and responsibility of their owner. Mutlins will not take any responsibility whatsoever for the visiting dog/dogs behaviour until their dog has been assessed and Mutlins staff agree for the dog/dogs to be a registered customer. The boarding visitors takes full responsibility if their dog shows any negative behaviour, aggression, fighting or damage.
- Any additional information that we obtain from you or your vet that is not disclosed on your boarding form regarding the dogs behaviour, health or anything else could terminate the dogs stay at Mutlins with no refund.
- When you agree to pay a deposit or full boarding cost it becomes part of a legal contract. Such contracts give rights to and places duties on you and Mutlins.
- If you change your mind or cancel the booking Mutlins can legally keep your deposit or full payment. Mutlins is a reserved service which is why we ask for a 50% deposit. If you cancel your booking within a 24 hours prior to your booking you are liable for the remaining boarding balance as Mutlins could have sold the boarding dates to another customer if it had not been reserved for you.
- Mutlins will endeavour to re sell your cancelled dates but this is not guaranteed. Refunds are completely at the discretion of Mutlins. You agree that Mutlins reserve the right to insist that you keep your promise and go ahead with the booking or else compensate them for their loss of profit.
- Mutlins will not be held responsible for any loss of belongings. All customers must clearly label their belongings prior to their pets stay.
- All reasonable efforts will be made by Mutlins staff to administer oral, rectal, and topical medication and treatments as directed by the owner for which there is no extra charge. However, if your dog refuses to take medication or is aggressive towards staff we will inform the owner immediately. If veterinary assistance is required you the owner or your emergency contact will be contacted by Mutlins to arrange collection. You agree that any veterinary treatment or fees will be at you the owner's expense.
- Bookings, cancelled bookings and deposits or full payments cannot be transferred to future time slots.
- If you collect your pet early or adjust your booking you will still be charged for the original booking unless the booking is extended, for which you will be charged the extra days fees. Most pet insurance or holiday plans will cover for such eventualities. Please check with your insurer and/or policy document and make sure you have adequate cover in the event of cancellation.
- Boarding fee's will be charged at the full day rate to include the day of arrival & the day of departure. For the avoidance of doubt, arrival is charged as day 1 and departure day is when you collect your dog. This is to facilitate complete sanitation of the areas boarding dogs have occupied. Full payment is due prior to your dogs stay but please note no dog will be released until full and final payment has been received, this includes any outstanding payment for damages the dog has caused to any property during their stay, veterinary fees or any other charges. Short over runs and extensions to boarding must be paid for at the time of request by bank transfer.
- Mutlins reserve the right to charge extra during peak periods such as Christmas & New Year.
- Mutlins and Norfolk Tibetan Terriers has a zero tolerance of any abuse, threats or deformation on social media, Google, internet, verbal, email, text or physical. By signing this form you agree not to leave any negative comments and if you do you agree to pay compensation.
- Customers or emergency contacts may be asked to remove difficult, noisy or dangerous dog's from Mutlins with immediate effect.
No refund will be given for the remaining boarding period. - All customers must adhere to Mutlins opening hours to drop off or collect their dog.
This includes telephone enquiries or boarding updates Monday - Sunday 7.30am-5.30pm. - In the event of a delay in drop off or collection, notification must be given at the earliest opportunity and Mutlins reserves the right to refuse the extension.
- There is free parking for drop off and collection of your dog or dogs. Mutlins will not be held responsible for any damage incurred to vehicles whilst in the car parking area. Any damage to staff vehicles will be reimbursed.
- Please note that your pet is your responsibility until a member of staff has taken them from you following the 'checking in'process.
- Whilst in our care, no animals will be allowed visitors.
- Mutlins reserves the right to change boarding/service fees at any time. Prices are subject to change without notice. Please note all phone calls are recorded for training and monitoring purposes.
- Please note no recording or photographs of our site and staff are permitted at any time. You will be asked to stop and remove any photo's/footage with immediate effect.
- Any bedding, toys, medication, or personal items supplied by the owner that become damage, destroyed or lost by the animals or any member of staff, during boarding are left completely at the owner's risk and if any veterinary treatment is required following such an event will be at the owner's expense.
- You the owner gives Mutlins permission to call your veterinary practice should we need any information regarding your pets' condition.
- All Dogs being boarded are required to have current up to date vaccinations with the certificates being produced on every booking otherwise boarding will be refused. In this event you will not be refunded. The customers take full responsibility for ensuring their pets are up to date with all vaccinations required by Mutlins. All vaccinations must be valid at least 14 days prior to the boarding beginning and cover the whole of the boarding term. Dogs are to be vaccinated against Distemper, Hepatitis, Leptospirosis, Parvovirus and Kennel Cough. This is for the safety of our boarding dogs and dogs belonging to Norfolk Tibetan Terriers who live on site.
- The owner warrants that the dog or dogs being boarded are in a fit and healthy condition. It is your responsibility to inform us of any medical conditions your pet may have and the severity. If Mutlins receives further information that has not been disclosed we reserve the right to terminate your dogs stay with immediate effect and your dog will need to be collected. No refund will be given.
- Mutlins premises is protected by 24 hour audio and video surveillance. By signing this boarding form you agree that by entering Mutlins premises you give permission to be recorded.
- If your dog/dogs escape or run away on walks you agree to Mutlins exercising your dog/dogs in the safety of our very large garden/field. Your dog/dogs safety must be considered at all times and you give Mutlins permission to act in your dog/dogs best interest and welfare.
- Mutlins reserves the right to add, change or vary these terms & conditions at any time with no notice.
- You agree that Mutlins will not release your dog or dog's for collection until full payment of any previously disclosed outstanding invoices or charges are paid.
- ALL Boarding dogs MUST have an emergency contact.